Monday, August 27, 2007

Emigration To Canada

Here is my second post in my Emigration to Canada advice blog, on a subject close to my heart, driving and cars

Canadian people are nice, you can say something to someone in the pub on a Friday night that would land you in the casualty ward in the UK. In Canada it would lead to a reasoned argument and shaking hands. However all of that niceness has to vent somewhere, and it does.

Canada doesn’t follow the book on types of bad drivers it completely writes it’s own. If you get angry at a sales rep in a Mondeo Tailgating you on the M6, wait until you almost get run over by a blonde woman putting on lipstick, driving a Hummer in Canada.

I view each car trip in Montreal as a failed suicide attempt. Despite this, Canadian Roads and cars are designed in perfect harmony together. Your car hits a pothole, and a bit falls off. My car is of average engine size for these parts and leaves a carbon footprint the size of a 20 year old 747, so despite the Canadian’s love of skiing, their glaciers will be gone in about 3 months

Bit’s also fall of the questionable elevated expressway system on a fairly regular basis, sadly government investment is minimal, in fact local rabbi’s have made a new blessing. Prayer for siting in a traffic jam under highway 720 and not getting hit by a chunk of concrete. I’m not kidding you the highways look like they have been put together with double sided sticky tape

However, no one ever lets you in onto the highway, drivers here would rather run you into a (crumbling) concrete barrier than give way to you. In fact the only plus point about driving here compared with England is that when you get out of the car for some road rage, you won’t get a punch in the mouth

Post 2


Stephen said...

Couldn't agree with you more. The driving standards here are atrocious and no one, absolutely no one believes in letting a driver out onto the highway if they can possibly help it.

I live in Cornwall, Ontario by the way and moved to Canada in 2004. I'd love to move back to the UK!

Moree said...

Same in Australia, very rare for anyone to let you out , tailgating is an Aussie pastime.

Unknown said...

I married a Quebecker. We plan to move there in the next few months. I'm a Canadian resident now and have just accepted an offer on the house (UK). Everything is good here in the UK, I feel that I can't find a single reason to leave. Could this possibly be the biggest mistake of my life!